Indie Campers Reviews in France

Read honest feedback from travelers who’ve explored France with Indie Campers. Whether it’s your first road trip or you're looking for inspiration from top travel bloggers, all the insights and reviews you need are right here.

Excellent 4.7 out of 5 From 35,000+ travelers

Customer Reviews



A year ago

2 People
3 days
Marseille → Marseille
The car was very clean and all functions were working. The employee was also very friendly and helpful The check out was fast and efficient
Meaghan M.


A year ago

4 People
4 days
Paris → Berlin
Beautiful van, lovely staff, helpful and informative. I would very much recommend it to others and would use it again in the future. Overall operations in the van were good. Issues. were minor such as not enough wiper fluid. The only suggestion I would have is some waterproofing of some sort on the ...
Laurent I.


A year ago

3 People
14 days
Marseille → Marseille
Active Bunk
I had a little trouble finding the pick-up location. Otherwise the welcome was perfect. Nothing to report.
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Alexander R.


A year ago

2 People
4 days
Marseille → Marseille
Active Bunk
Everything about the check in experience was smooth. Friendly staff; which is a given with Indie from our previous experiences. Check-out was as smooth as the check-in. After four days tripping around Provence - the Carmargue, Arles, Orange, Avignon, Pont due Gardes - our one minor complaint was th...
Louis P.


A year ago

4 People
4 days
Paris → Paris
Very good experience! Very responsive
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Indie Campers in the News

"Indie Campers is hoping to alleviate travellers' anxieties with regards to moving around safely... I don't know about you, but we're already dreaming of future adventures around our beautiful Emerald Isle."

"Taking off, but don’t want to leave your dog? With Indie Campers you can. Head out on your Ireland road trip in a Fiat Ducato... add extras such as a BBQ, foldable bicycles, bedding kits and more for added comfort."

"We are super excited about the launch of Indie Campers new campervan service that lets you hire a van for months and even years at a time!"

"Indie Campers has released a subscription payment model that allows digital nomads in Europe to subscribe to #VanLife on a monthly or annual basis."